Tuesday, March 13, 2012

drawing nekkid ladieeee!

I am feeling extremely ecstatic!
I've never ever done this sort of thing before so I was extremely very super nervous.
But now, I can't wait for next time!

Today, I went to a life drawing class. :D !!

I was probably very lucky too as the model was super attractive, and creative with her poses. The atmosphere was casual, lax, encouraging and motivating! Bottles of beer and glasses of wine sold for $2.00, and drawing materials provided. Perfect for a drawing session of a naked lady. ;)

This last one was a really big challenge for me as I am terribly terrible with perspectives and even more so with realistic objects and persons. But I'm quite proud of it :)
ack! i am definitely coming back next week! :B

Recently I went to the Little Deities Exhibition. Imagine, 60 individualised, personalised, crying little god babies on display. Pretty awesome. Check out my 2 buddies that were involved!

Awesome artist whom i've met recently. He is actually having an art exhibition opening this thursday! Check it out!

so damn inspired. gah!
<3 truccie


  1. Awesome post Truccie!!!
    omg!! i loved life drawing when I did it a couple years back! XD it's so nerve wrecking at the beginning, a lil uncomfortable, but as soon as charcoal hits the paper, and the clock starts, the challenge is so much fun :) i've been told i draw good butts LOL (-_-) great work on your first class! can't wait to see more :D

    and omgosh, a whole exhibition of crying god babies! would have been heck interesting!! O_O;;

  2. Your sketches are so so so COOLL!I I wonder when I'll be half as good as you! :D
